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  • Scopri i nostri servizi


    The Company is part of the Novara chemical-industrial center. Since 1994 it has been sold by Enichem S.p.A. to private individuals. Previously it was included as "Department of Chemistry and Electrochemistry" in the Guido Donegani S.p.a. Donegani Anticorrosione therefore boasts a long experience and can rely on the skills and abilities gained in carrying out an activity of over 40 years on...

Extraction / refining sector

The activities include services, aimed at operators of chemical, petrochemical plants and for the production of electricity.

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Chemical / petrochemical sector

The activities include services, aimed at operators of chemical and petrochemical plants.

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Industrial sector

The activities include services, aimed at the operators of plants for the production of electricity.

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Services Anti-corrosion


Analysis of particles, powders and corrosion products

It is extremely useful to know the origin of a microscopic particle, of a metal powder, of an oxide, of a corrosion product, of a metallic surface finish.

Analysis of metal and plastic materials

These analyses concretely demonstrate the material’s quality and are indispensable: • For the quality control of the materials procured; • For checking that they match the manufacturer’s certification; • In the automotive sector, for qualifying and checking conformity of the welding process.

Asset Integrity Management

Prove non distruttive specializzate per valutare il degrado strutturale delle giunzioni saldate Controllo con particelle magnetiche fluorescenti; TOFD e Phased Array per tube weld scanner sui collettori evaporatori e surriscaldatori di HRSG. Eddy current dei condensatori a fascio tubiero.

Attività di ingegneria

Donegani Anticorrosione è una società di consulenza ingegneristica con esperienza decennale nella fornitura di servizi di calcolo per strutture onshore e offshore, recipienti a pressione (reattori, colonne, scambiatori), tubazioni, camini e serbatoi di stoccaggio.

Failure Analysis

The analysis of material, operating parameters and process allows to identify the causes that may have led to the failure or the damaging of an artefact.

Pipe Stress Analysis - Metodo degli elementi finiti

Lo scopo della Pipe Stress Analysis è prevenire cedimenti meccanici e strutturali nel sistema simulando virtualmente gli scenari differenti nei quali è destinato ad operare.

Non-Destructive Tests (NDT)

The definition “Non-Destructive Tests or NDT” refers to all those test methods that allow to obtain information regarding the state of the art or the integrity of an artefact without having to alter its structure.

Risk-Based inspection and maintenance

The concept of risk refers to an undesired event intended as the release of substance due to the loss of integrity of the containment walls of the equipment and/or piping.

Equipment testing

Problems regarding materials and defects in industrial structures can cause permanent damage, unforeseen downtime, dangerous accidents and higher maintenance costs.

Ispel practices for heating systems

I componenti progettati in campo di scorrimento viscoso con valori di sollecitazione dipendenti dal tempo, devono essere sottoposti, alla scadenza della vita teorica di progetto (VP), ad una serie di verifiche atte a valutare...

Commissioning Ministerial Decree 329/2004

Le attrezzature o insiemi a pressione sono soggetti alla verifica obbligatoria di primo impianto o di messa in servizio solo se risultano installati ed assemblati dall'utilizzatore sull'impianto.